Friday, January 15, 2010

attention is one hell of a drug

far be it for me to attack her in a public forum for ultimately being nothing more than a confused child
strung out for attention like those who endure the darkest night for just another "hit"
she knows she ain't gettin' that "puree"
but she craves it anyway, because as she puts it: "something is better than nothing..."
almost got tangled in that web, can't front
shit, I might still have a strand or two dangling from my sleeve
no shame in trying
but my integrity would not allow me to be her next fool
guess I was a lil' too real, huh? or should I say pure, as in "pu-ree"?
a fiend always needs the "hit" to be right enough to mask their pain, but wrong enough to keep them, u know...


& all this hollow talk about "what kind of girl she really is"?


well I certainly don't doubt that in some deep, dark corner of her soul lies a princess in chains You know the kind: - dirty dress - mascara tears - crown jewels strewn across some dungeon floor just absolutely aching to be rescued

for what?
so she can dust herself off and f*ck the first half-blood prince she sees? (this is the part where I insert one of those silly, but ever popular social web acronyms like: "lmfao")

na hun, not me...

you can lay in that bed you made all u want, or at least until you learn the true definition of a woman.
til then, you can bet your bottom dollar that my bed stays warm every single night
sleeping like a much-loved baby, & living my waking hours like the absolute King that I am...

hey, at least you've been immortalized, no? isn't this what you always wanted? attention?

front for the cameras, but only you & I know what's real...

- fin


  1. "princess in chains" i really like that .. that was a creative venting session .. i'm sure you felt like you could breath easier after you wrote it :)NICE

  2. I'm glad I took the chance & read this. Pretty good Renny.
