Sunday, January 24, 2010

the perfect orgasm part I (the pleasure principle)

so you want the best that life has to offer, do you?
prefer the "estate" over the lil' house on a prairie?
the "timepiece" instead of a time-x?
the status symbol driving machine
as opposed to the "lil' hoopty" u were thinking about picking up at an auction?

I bet you're shoppin' for the closest thing to the "movie portrayal" mate too, huh?


nothing wrong with desiring any of those things
heck. there's nothing wrong with pursuing them, for that matter
but my question to you is...

what amount of pain are you willing to subject yourself to in order to attain the pleasure of acquiring them?

the perfect orgasm is a most beautiful thing...

it is, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest and most mysterious inventions that God has ever graced upon humankind
yes. that's how I'm feeling right now
so if you are not an adult, &/or the squeamish type, please see yourself to the exit door of my blog right now..

this is grownups only talk right here..

now where were we?
ah yes...

the perfect orgasm is quite literally like no other thing that this earth has to offer, & when it is right, it satisfies every fiber of your being, to the point of the ethereal, & with an intensity that is absolutely peerless in this world and I'm sure in many others too.. lol

now I can sit here and ramble on, (trust me) extolling the virtues of the perfect orgasm, but that actually isn't the point of this post

I'd much rather examine the deep-seeded (no pun) relationship between the perfect orgasm, & our own pursuit of happiness.

some of us toil each and every day to make ends meet
some of us live for the love of money and material things
some of us even collect nostalgic pieces throughout the course of our lives
but when we ask ourselves the question: "how am I, really?"
the truthful answer is seldom: "absolutely satisfied!"

The answer lies in the DNA, if you will, of the perfect orgasm

locked inside of the P.O. is the absolutely flawless balance of pain & pleasure
hmmn, I guess opposites really do attract after all, don't they?
that amazing feeling is not the same as a tickle, or a massage
these things can be great, but they're rarely in the same conversation as the P.O.
this epiphany hit me in the shower, of all places, as I was rewinding time and pondering some of my most amazing, err, ummm, you know... (blush,blush)

now I don't know about you, but if I look at the world, & how densely populated it is, I can only surmise that there are quite a few people who would tend to agree with me on this topic,
and if that's the case, then I think its certainly something that we ought to give just a bit more thought to!

preferrably after the act, of course..

If I were to sum up this first of my 2 part examination of the P.O. and how it relates to life, I would do it like this:

everything that is worth anything comes from a perfect balance of pain & pleasure.
if life hurts too much, then it becomes practically unbearable
but if everything is all positive, all of the time, then would we not be in danger of desensitizing ourselves?
I'm just saying.
both states, when unbalanced, have resulted in crushed empires, ruined marriages, and scores of suicides

But what if we learned to apply the principle of pleasure that is only found in the perfect orgasm to the rest of our life?

hmmn, hmmn, hmmn..

to be continued...

Friday, January 15, 2010

attention is one hell of a drug

far be it for me to attack her in a public forum for ultimately being nothing more than a confused child
strung out for attention like those who endure the darkest night for just another "hit"
she knows she ain't gettin' that "puree"
but she craves it anyway, because as she puts it: "something is better than nothing..."
almost got tangled in that web, can't front
shit, I might still have a strand or two dangling from my sleeve
no shame in trying
but my integrity would not allow me to be her next fool
guess I was a lil' too real, huh? or should I say pure, as in "pu-ree"?
a fiend always needs the "hit" to be right enough to mask their pain, but wrong enough to keep them, u know...


& all this hollow talk about "what kind of girl she really is"?


well I certainly don't doubt that in some deep, dark corner of her soul lies a princess in chains You know the kind: - dirty dress - mascara tears - crown jewels strewn across some dungeon floor just absolutely aching to be rescued

for what?
so she can dust herself off and f*ck the first half-blood prince she sees? (this is the part where I insert one of those silly, but ever popular social web acronyms like: "lmfao")

na hun, not me...

you can lay in that bed you made all u want, or at least until you learn the true definition of a woman.
til then, you can bet your bottom dollar that my bed stays warm every single night
sleeping like a much-loved baby, & living my waking hours like the absolute King that I am...

hey, at least you've been immortalized, no? isn't this what you always wanted? attention?

front for the cameras, but only you & I know what's real...

- fin

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

are you willing to teach up and coming producers the craft or do you go by "the game is to be sold not told"

I would be happy to teach. Teaching is one of the things I do best. Integrity reigns supreme..

Ask me anything